Halidias Nikolaos , Professor
Τel.:(+30)22730-82321, Email: nick@aegean.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Fall semester: -
Spring Semester: Financial Mathematics
Μilionis Alexandros, Associate Professor
Τel.:(+30)22730-82350, Email: amilionis@aegean.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Fall semester: -
Spring Semester: Time Series
Tsimikas John, Associate Professor
Τel.:(+30)22730-82335, Email: tsimikas@aegean.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Fall semester: -
Spring Semester: Generalized Linear Models
Xanthopoulos Stylianos, Αssociate Professor
Τel.:(+30)22730-82351, Email: sxantho.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Fall semester: Financial Mathematics
Spring semester: Risk Measurement and Management
Ζimeras Stelios, Associate Professor
Τel:(+30)22730-82334, Email: zimste@aegean.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Χειμερινό εξάμηνο: Exploratory and Data Analysis
Spring Semester: Statistical techniques for Big Data
Arampatzis Dimitrios, Assistant Professor
Τηλ.:2273082327, Email: darampatzis@aegean.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Fall semester: -
Spring Semester: Mechanical Knowledge
Κοuntzakis Christos, Assistant Professor
Τel.:(+30)22730-82323, Email: chr_koun@aegean.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Fall semester: -
Spring Semester: Financial Modelling
Lappas Pantelis, Assistant Professor
Τηλ.:2273082325, Email: pzlappas@aegean.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Fall semester: -
Spring Semester: Modern Techniques in Forecasting and Modelling
Dimitrakopoulou Theodora, Lecturer
Τel.:(+30)22730-82324, Email: tdimitra@aegean.gr
Courses of the current academic year:
Fall semester: Bayesian Statistics
Spring Semester: -